1/2 Marathon Training
So a few weeks ago I decided to train for a 1/2 marathon that was 6
weeks out from then, I know I know it goes against all the things I have
said...chronic cardio bad, running miles on end bad...however this half
marathon seemed like a good idea to check off the bucket list as it
takes place at Edwards AFB and we will be running on the dry lake bed
which is pretty awesome, and if you know anything about this place you
know that there is a lot of history out here so why not do a run that
has some sort of awesome attached to it? While I don't advocate running
marathons consistently because I think as humans we are not really
designed to be running such mileage often, however this is a lifelong
goal of mine and I am doing it... I can tell you right now I don't plan
on doing this often or running a full marathon ever. I prefer to be
strong and as I have learned you simply can not serve two masters when
it comes right down to it...I can not call my self a runner and a lifter
simultaneously, however I do still squeeze in my strength training,
just not as intense as before.
So as far as my diet
goes, I simply can not be low carb and support the training I am doing
right now, that is unfeasible, running requires quick access to glycogen
stores, therefore I must eat a higher amount of carbohydrates in order
to fuel my body more properly. So eating a lot of sweet potatoes,
apples, squash etc have been essential to power me through. This is
great though I am not restricting myself, so when I crave carbs I am not
worried about gaining weight, because I know that my 9 mile runs will
erase any damage I could have possibly done. This is my favorite part
of running. I know ridiculous, but thinking about a big piece of
zucchini bread or a loaded sweet potato is enough to get me through a
tough run. Obsessed with food....yup. I am not ashamed of this. This
training has left me on the pursuit of yummy recipes that I can
hopefully share on here soon!
My fellow half-marathon
veterans please please divulge any information, tips etc...that can help
my husband and I, mostly myself....my husband is the type of guy that
can just jump into an event like this and not train whatsoever...not me I
have to train mentally and physically. However we have been doing the
weekly long runs together and I am insanely thankful he is willing to
slow down for me as we have been averaging 10-10:30 min/mil for our 8
miles...if I can hold this pace for the last 5 in the race I will be
ecstatic. Honestly my only goal for this race is to run the entire
thing and not walk at any point.... No time goals at this point. Just
finish! At any rate any tips are appreciated!
So in
the meantime I will eat my extra carbs, drink my wine, take my epsom
salt baths and enjoy the path to pursuing a goal. Yummy recipes filled
with carbs soon to come!
Lift Heavy
Ladies, weight training is not just for men, however tonight as I worked out at in the weight room I noticed immediately that I was the only female present and there were over 20 guys in there at least. It is evident to me that women, well at least women in my community have not gotten the memo on the health benefits of weight training. I don't mean 5 pound dumbbells doing 20 reps of bicep curls, I mean heavy lifting, bench pressing, dead-lifts, back-squats, lunges etc... I am disappointed that my fellow female friends are hiding in the cardio cave. Maybe I just need to change that?
The most common misconception about weight training for women is that you will get big and bulky. Well unless you are popping supplements like crazy, this is impossible. Women do not produce enough testosterone to physically be able to get big and bulky. Female bodybuilders take tons of supplements and many use anabolic steroids in order to get that way. And quite honestly whether or not a female bodybuilder "grosses" you out, the amount of dedication and work ethic it takes to build a body like that is really quite amazing. Basic weight training will NOT get you there.
In a nut shell the benefits of weight training are:
Increased metabolic rate, by having more muscle mass your body burns more calories per day, which inevitably helps you burn off the unwanted body fat.
Increasing and restoring bone density: strength training increases your bone density as well as keeping it strong into old age, avoid Osteoporosis later on in life by lifting heavy!
Increased Muscle Mass: More muscle mass means more calorie burn throughout the day.
Aesthetics: strength training builds a body that is lean and mean, less body fat more lean muscle, less cellulite, etc. The benefits outweigh the negatives especially since I can't come up with a single negative aspect of weight training.
I listened to a phenomenal podcast this morning while cleaning and I just feel like I need to share it with all of you. I listen to the Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness podcast in itunes and this one had super special guests Jim Laird and Molly Galbraith from J & M Strength and Conditioning in Lexington KY.
http://j-mstrength.com/. These two are an example of what great trainers are supposed to be like. Anyways in the episode they talked about one of the women that they train and it is something I think will blow your mind.
http://www.themissfits.com/you-cant-serve-two-masters/ The girl in this article can deadlift 365 pounds...Look at how petite she is and that is proof right there that heavy lifting does NOT make you big and bulky...365 pounds...gosh darn it I am still working on getting mine over my own body weight. Something to work towards I suppose.
The article above is also a great one in showing what the difference is for someone stuck in the "chronic cardio" mindset, which admittedly I struggle with, but am working on daily. Mentally it is hard to wrap our minds around the fact that less is more... So I will leave you with this happy thought. Train Smarter, not longer.
Oh here is the wonderful podcast I listened to earlier I really hope that you take some time to listen to it, honestly I am probably going to listen to it a couple times a month to remind myself to stop running so darn much and to focus on my weight training instead.
Lift Heavy
training in my garage
The Cardio Conundrum
So most if not all of us have been taught that we need to do cardio,
like everyday, in order to lose weight and get in shape right? Distance
running, elliptical machines, spinning classes, kickboxing, workout
videos, at some point or another you have probably done these things, or
do them regularly. Conventional wisdom says these things are good for
us and that we need to do them every single day. However if you look at
what our bodies were designed for and how we lived thousands of years
ago, you would see that this is contradictory.
We were designed to do A
LOT of walking around, virtually everywhere, there were no vehicles or
bicycles to get us around. We were designed to be able to run short
distances at very high speeds, for a minimal amount of time, to escape
predators and chase down our next meal. We were designed to have a high
muscle mass, lower body fat, but still have body fat to keep us warm
and for women to be able to bear children and feed them. We were
designed to be able to lift heavy things and to do things with our
bodies that are entirely different then what we have been doing the past
couple hundred years. Why have we been told them that getting on a
"rat wheel" for an hour a day is supposed to counteract all sedentary
things we do the rest of the day. Sadly as we can see by sheer
statistics alone as well as just plain looking around, this conventional
wisdom has gotten us to a place in our society in which 60% or more of
the population is either overweight or obese. Clearly this is not
working, coupled with the bad nutritional advice that we have been
listening to for many years this is not getting us healthier. They say
the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
expecting different results. Why not try something different then?
negative side effects of chronic cardio are far reaching, but the main
important one in my opinion is putting your body in a constant state of
stress. When you are running for over 30-40 minutes a day, your body is
under stress, this stress is not something the body was designed to
handle for long periods of time. Sprinting (occasionally) yes, we were
designed for that, however distance running (or other long-term cardio)
was not something programmed into us for survival therefore putting your
body under this constant state of stress day in and day out, coupled
with conventional dieting (aka eating far too little and not the right
foods), as well as lack of sleep, you end up with adrenal fatigue.
Adrenal fatigue is essentially over-stimulation of the adrenal glands
from too much stress whether it be physical, emotional or mental
stress. The Adrenal glands regulate cortisol levels and when they get
high, from prolonged stress such as constant dieting, chronic
over-training, lack of sleep etc, the result is burn out from adrenal
fatigue, not a happy place to be, I know because I have been there. In
short cortisol regulates the "fight or flight" response, when faced with
a situation that requires immediate action a healthy cortisol level in
the body helps you to respond quickly and efficiently.
have been told for so long that we must do this cardio thing daily for
at least 60 minutes. What we really should be doing instead is walking
around throughout the day, being active in things we enjoy like cleaning
the house(maybe that's just me?), gardening or playing with our kids,
we should be lifting weights (heavy weights) a few times a week hitting
major muscle groups with compound movements, we should be sprinting once
a week, like 100 Meter or 400 meter sprint intervals for no longer than
20 minutes at a time. Now occasionally if you do actually enjoy
running or biking a couple times a week is not an issue, however its the
chronic "I have to do it or I won't burn enough calories," when it
becomes a problem. We should be doing fun things that make us happy to
be alive like hiking, going to the beach, surfing, ski diving, whatever
anything we were made to play not just work.
I will
be completely honest chronic cardio is something I have struggled with
for a very long time. I would run about 16 miles a week and do two 1
hour long spin sessions a week. There was even a time (not that long
ago) when I did the Insanity program on top of all of that other stuff.
There were times when I would take my 2 year old to the park and be too
tired to chase him, I was so confused. Wasn't I supposed to have all
this energy and be super fit to chase him around after all of that
working out? Instead I was soooo tired, exhausted from working out that
I couldn't even play, that seems so counterproductive. I will be even
more honest even though I know what I know now, I struggle quite often
to not hop on the treadmill and run for 4 miles everyday or hop on my
spin bike more often. It is still so ingrained in me to just go go go,
to burn those calories in excess. I would be lying if I said it is easy
to get out of those habits and change your training styles/goals
altogether. In order to get our bodies back to health, we have to stop
this constant stress of chronic cardio.
Here is a
homework assignment: If you go to a gym, next time you are there do a
quick look around at the people that are working out. Look at their
bodies, what are they doing? For me it was so obvious the women who had
the bodies I admired were not huffing and puffing on the cardio
machines for hours on end, but were in the weight room or sprinting,
doing things that I wasn't. I have learned to follow the example of
those I admire or long to be more like. Life is too short to try to
figure everything out myself so if I want to be financially in shape I
look up to those who are, if I want to be physically fit I look up to
those who are. If what you are doing isn't producing the results you
want, it is time to start thinking outside the box!
Weekend Play
We love to use the weekends as an excuse to get outdoors, especially
with the weather we have had this weekend, living in the desert has its
perks in the winter that is for sure. Since I hadn't gotten my sprint
workout in this past week, I thought Saturday was the perfect time to go
on a family walk up to the track and do a 100 M sprint interval
workout. It was such a fun time, I think we will be making it into a
regular Saturday thing, weather permitting that is.
Pumpkin hanging out in the jogging stroller |
we just kind of came up with our own sprint workout based on how we
felt this morning, but here is what we did. The walk to the track from
our house is a little under 2 miles one way, so that was basically a
good warm-up, however we jogged one lap around the track to get the
blood pumping a bit. Then we walked around the "curve" of the track.
Once we got to the straight way 100 M starting mark we gave it 100%,
meaning everything you have in you(picture being chased by a dinosaur or
zombie whatever helps) you should be extremely out of breath after,
then we walk the curve again to rest repeating the sprint again at the
next straight way. We did 8 100 M sprints with 100 M rest walking
in-between, this rest walk could even be increased if necessary. It is
really interesting to me how 6 out of 8 of my sprints were dead on at 21
sec, my fastest two sprints were the ones in the middle at 19 sec being
my fastest. This was the first time we have ever really done timed
sprints so it will be fun to compare next time.
Gorgeous view |
our kids played with pumpkin our sweet Malte/pom puppy, we are trying
to teach him how to walk on a leash so that has been interesting and
pretty darn funny. After sprinting we played a game of old school
"Red-light, green-light" and I managed to squeeze in some walking lunges
and situps, while Pierre did some pull-ups. We had a nice walk back
home and the kids did amazing the whole time. So there you have it, if
you have a track nearby, use it! It is a fantastic way to get outdoors
with the family and get some vitamin D and playtime all at once.
Pullup fun |
you have a sprint workout you enjoy doing please share it! I need some
new ideas, my next sprint intervals will probably be 400M I am a bit
nervous about pacing, I have never done this any suggestions?
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